Thursday, 17 November 2011

The To Do List: Make Cupcakes and Eat Them

Part of mine and my friends, Sah's, to do list by the end of the year was to: make cupcakes and eat them. WE decided to make them for the beach outing we were doing with our girls group. It got a little interesting when we made yellow icing and green cupcakes...

Yummy, yummy!
Unfortunately it was a boiling hot day on the beach. They did not get eaten right away. The lid was shut tight.... they began to sweat, and by the end of the outing at the beach when I opened the lid and smelt them they were some of the foulest things I have ever sniffed. Gross. But it was an experience making them. While we are on the subject of baking, I'll tell you about our other thing on the to-do list: BAKE A CHOCOLATE CAKE, AND PUT SALT IN IT, THEN GIVE IT TO SOMEONE. We thought the premium place to do that would be to take it to the
shared church lunch that goes on on the last Sunday of the month. So we did that. I felt a little bad when I saw some kids taking pieces to eat... but I couldn't let the cat out of the bag. I'm really sorry to anyone who got food poisoning. Jokes, I don't think anyone would have. Just a good case of Yuck!

Now I feel bad. Do not try that at home... or, if you do, put enough salt in it for people to really notice what has been done, so they don't just think it tastes a little funny.


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