Monday, 14 November 2011

The Set Apart Life we are called to

I am reading the second book of Leslie Ludy's that I have read before. The first was the Lost Art of True Beauty. The one I am reading now is called Set Apart Femininity.

This book is great. It calls for us to live set apart lives as Christian young women. I greatly recommend that you read it. This book has been teaching me so much stuff, I am excited to read another page and find out another way that I can live a set apart life, being a Godly, encouraging influence to the Christians and non-Christians around me. But it is no easy path, that much is for sure. I recommend you get a copy and read it for yourself. We were not called to live exactly like the world and be a couple of steps ahead of them. We were called to be different, to shine the light of Jesus, no matter what the consequences.
The time of living for yourself and still calling yourself a Christian is over. It is time for us young women to leave ourselves behind, take up our cross, and follow Jesus wherever He leads us. Are you ready to respond to His call?

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