Monday, 14 November 2011

Long time, no blog

Sorry I have not written in a very long time. I really have no excuse.
Since I last wrote a lot has happened. I am still fifteen, but its almost my sweet sixteen.
But the main things that have happened in my life is that God has called me to go to Russia as a missionary. That only happened a little over a week ago, and since then I have noticed a dramatic change in my life. I do not think that I will be on here very often as I prepare for life as a missionary, but I might give you an update every once in a while. I am not sure when God wants me to go, but I am getting prepared now. A Russian course is on the way for my schoolwork, and I have been knitting for Russia. Mum taught me how to knit last Monday (nine days ago). Here is a picture of my latest knitting project:
 Here is my first project, started last Monday and finished the night after:
 Here is my third knitting project, started last Wednesday and finished on the Friday following
 Started on Wednesday and still going
Don't think I am too amazing to have done all that, my mother did help me quite a bit.
How I got the idea to send them over to Russia/ Romania or somewhere over in Europe area where it gets cold was from my grandmother. This lady that lives in the same town as me collects them and they send a big pile of knitted or crochet things to the orphanages there. I thought it sounded like a worthy cause, but it was not until God told me that was where I was going to go that the vision to knit for the people over there started to burn in my heart.
  So, I encourage those who are reading this blog. No, I am not encouraging you to knit... but I am encouraging you to lay down your life and follow God. Ask Him what He wants you to be doing. When it is the right time for you to know and prepare, He will tell you. But until He tells you I suggest that you get busy doing productive things. Find a way to bless those around you. Knit for Russia or Romania or somewhere, if you have a like for knitting. But whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord.
 Over and out,

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