Monday, 28 November 2011

Knitting on the brain

Since I began knitting on that Monday a couple of weeks ago I have been doing it every day. My family came over for Jet and Phil's wedding, and I knitted every day... accept for the wedding day of course. Was a little bit busy then, getting my hair done, and my make-up. And doing the whole walking down the front of the church and standing there looking at the bride-my sister- and the groom looking at each other. And then the photos... and the reception. After that came the dancing. After I got warmed up I was into it. So was Emmie, my 12 year old cousin. She sure is a hyperactive crazy child. She brings out the immaturity in me.
Played the drums on Sunday at church, then at night it was the International Night, so there was no drumming for that, it was just a church family hang out time. Which was cool.
My cousins and Aunty (my uncle went back last Monday because he had to work) went home to Aussie this morning. I don't actually miss them. It just feels like they were over here... and now they are gone and things have gone back to normal. It was cool having them here though, apart from when we got on each others nerves. Which happened a little bit.
I have been knitting scarves for the past week. A scarf a day keeps the doctor away. That is my current motto. But now I am knitting squares of double knit wool, and then I shall sew all the squares into a blanket. It is going to be pretty cool. The center-piece is the Russian flag. White, blue, and red.
Enough talking for now. I am selling books on TradeMe, and if you are in New Zealand or around the area check them out. They are all in great condition and I am getting rid of them by putting into action selling everything I have. I'm starting with the things that I really don't need. Then I'll move onto the bigger things.
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."


Thursday, 17 November 2011

The To Do List: Make Cupcakes and Eat Them

Part of mine and my friends, Sah's, to do list by the end of the year was to: make cupcakes and eat them. WE decided to make them for the beach outing we were doing with our girls group. It got a little interesting when we made yellow icing and green cupcakes...

Yummy, yummy!
Unfortunately it was a boiling hot day on the beach. They did not get eaten right away. The lid was shut tight.... they began to sweat, and by the end of the outing at the beach when I opened the lid and smelt them they were some of the foulest things I have ever sniffed. Gross. But it was an experience making them. While we are on the subject of baking, I'll tell you about our other thing on the to-do list: BAKE A CHOCOLATE CAKE, AND PUT SALT IN IT, THEN GIVE IT TO SOMEONE. We thought the premium place to do that would be to take it to the
shared church lunch that goes on on the last Sunday of the month. So we did that. I felt a little bad when I saw some kids taking pieces to eat... but I couldn't let the cat out of the bag. I'm really sorry to anyone who got food poisoning. Jokes, I don't think anyone would have. Just a good case of Yuck!

Now I feel bad. Do not try that at home... or, if you do, put enough salt in it for people to really notice what has been done, so they don't just think it tastes a little funny.


My Life as a Teenage Ninja

So I am getting pretty good at the knitting now. I'll put my latest edition for the Knit 4 Russia family on here now. It is a scarf. I think Mum did about two rows on this scarf, so its really my baby. Yay.
The photo is of me holding my knitting.
So there you have it, me and my scarf. Unfortunately I am holding it up on the wrong side, but you get the general idea.
 Okay, so my friend and I are doing a to-do list this year for our friendship. And I thought it would be interesting to put it on here. For the creative things (or the ones we can be bothered getting a photo of) I'll stick the photos on here. Give you guys a little bit of inspiration to get creative about your faith when you're feeling drab.

PS: My family is coming over from QLD, Aussie tomorrow, and I am super excited to see them. My cousin, Emmie, is my favorite cousin, even though she is a couple of years younger than me. It'll be great to see her and catch up with the other family, even her two annoying older brothers. Maybe they have matured... well, one can hope.

Monday, 14 November 2011

The Wedding

It is the week leading up to the wedding. I am excited. My only sister is getting married. It will be different not having her about the house anymore. But she will be in her own home, which will be cool. Then I can go up there and see her and my brother-in-law. And catch the goldfish in their goldfish pond. Shhh, don't tell them I said that.
In a blog a while ago I mentioned some things in my life that I was feeling God was wanting me to cut out, but I was not ready to give them up. Well, one of the things that changed since last Sunday night was that I gave up one of those things in particular. My life since that Sunday night has been great. It has still been hard because I seem to be able to feel really happy and then really sad all in the space of a couple of hours, but I am not the one who has to deal with my emotions alone, God helps me.
  How I relate to boys has changed since then, also. Before I was so sure that I wanted to get married young, and everything like that, and I would be devastated if my life ended without me being a wife and mother,  but now I feel more content that whatever God wants for my life will bring me the greatest pleasure. The greatest joy. I am not sure that I will marry or not, but I would still like to. I think that the want to get married has been put in its proper place: somewhere down the line, far under where God stands as my True Love. I am learning that I do not need to put my future happiness in having a husband, but that my happiness will be placed in God, who will never let me down.
Moving on... my hair is growing longer. I can tie it up in a ponytail now.
Before I close I want to clarify that the reason I have grown in my relationship is not because of a church service on Sunday night. That was where it started. But it continued with me reading my Bible each day, praying, and asking God what He wants me to do.
  Your friend in Christ,

The Set Apart Life we are called to

I am reading the second book of Leslie Ludy's that I have read before. The first was the Lost Art of True Beauty. The one I am reading now is called Set Apart Femininity.

This book is great. It calls for us to live set apart lives as Christian young women. I greatly recommend that you read it. This book has been teaching me so much stuff, I am excited to read another page and find out another way that I can live a set apart life, being a Godly, encouraging influence to the Christians and non-Christians around me. But it is no easy path, that much is for sure. I recommend you get a copy and read it for yourself. We were not called to live exactly like the world and be a couple of steps ahead of them. We were called to be different, to shine the light of Jesus, no matter what the consequences.
The time of living for yourself and still calling yourself a Christian is over. It is time for us young women to leave ourselves behind, take up our cross, and follow Jesus wherever He leads us. Are you ready to respond to His call?

Long time, no blog

Sorry I have not written in a very long time. I really have no excuse.
Since I last wrote a lot has happened. I am still fifteen, but its almost my sweet sixteen.
But the main things that have happened in my life is that God has called me to go to Russia as a missionary. That only happened a little over a week ago, and since then I have noticed a dramatic change in my life. I do not think that I will be on here very often as I prepare for life as a missionary, but I might give you an update every once in a while. I am not sure when God wants me to go, but I am getting prepared now. A Russian course is on the way for my schoolwork, and I have been knitting for Russia. Mum taught me how to knit last Monday (nine days ago). Here is a picture of my latest knitting project:
 Here is my first project, started last Monday and finished the night after:
 Here is my third knitting project, started last Wednesday and finished on the Friday following
 Started on Wednesday and still going
Don't think I am too amazing to have done all that, my mother did help me quite a bit.
How I got the idea to send them over to Russia/ Romania or somewhere over in Europe area where it gets cold was from my grandmother. This lady that lives in the same town as me collects them and they send a big pile of knitted or crochet things to the orphanages there. I thought it sounded like a worthy cause, but it was not until God told me that was where I was going to go that the vision to knit for the people over there started to burn in my heart.
  So, I encourage those who are reading this blog. No, I am not encouraging you to knit... but I am encouraging you to lay down your life and follow God. Ask Him what He wants you to be doing. When it is the right time for you to know and prepare, He will tell you. But until He tells you I suggest that you get busy doing productive things. Find a way to bless those around you. Knit for Russia or Romania or somewhere, if you have a like for knitting. But whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord.
 Over and out,