Thursday, 15 December 2011

Missionary Conversations

  Today I worked at the Christian Bookstore in the morning for four hours. Then I helped out at ReMix, which was the last for the year. ReMix is like Bibles in Schools, but for the whole school instead of just one class.
  After ReMix was finished, Mum drove past the school, picked me up, and then we drove down to the farm to pick my grandparents up before we drove half an hour up a windy road in the middle (kinda) of the bush, to get to this ladies house. Mum and I met her on Sunday at Christmas at the park, but Nan and Pop had heard her talk at church the previous Sunday.
  The lady, Monica, is a missionary to China, same as her husband who isn't back from China yet.
  We talked about being a missionary, because she found out at Christmas in the park that I want to go to Russia as a missionary. It was good to have that conversation and be encouraged.
  When we got home I got stuck into my schoolwork, then had dinner. And then did a lot more computer science. I got a lot done today, same as yesterday, and I am pleased with how much God helps me accomplish when I get to work and plan out what I need to get done in a day.
  Oh, and I figured out what I am going to give Pop for a Christmas present. I am going to print off heaps of photos of the family of this year. Then I am going to put them in a photo book.
  One of the valuable pieces of information that Monica told me was to pray about where God wants me to go in Russia. So I will be praying for that while I am home.

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