Sunday, 24 April 2011

The Rocker

Oh, the movies to prove what a bad-ass I am. Thats on the Ferry (from Wellington to Picton) and I was being pretty crazy!
The Rocker would have to be my all time favorite movie. Even though there is bad language, and other stuff in it, and I'm a Christian, this is just the one movie that I can't help but love it. But on almost all other movies if there's bad stuff in them then I can't be bothered. Its got like everything I love in it, and yes, the guys a bad ass drummer, which helps. One drummer to another kinda thing (yes, I'm a drummer, in case you were wondering why I just said that and couldn't figure it out yourself.)
So, what is your favorite place in the world? I love Rockhampton, Australia (Q.L.D). And where would you love to go? I wanna go to the Yosemite National Park, in the USA. I think that's the right place I'm thinking of. ATM I'm planning a trip to America when I'm 20ish (which is 5 years away). I've even got a non-open-able money container (its tin, and when you open it you can't close it, kinda thing. You have to cut it open), and I've probably got about three dollars (NZL) in it. Crazy, hey?
Anyway, that's enough for now.
Nice chatting,

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