Friday, 24 February 2012

Long time, no type

  I know I haven't written in a while. Life has been reasonably busy with starting back at school (especially since this is my last year, yay!), babysitting at least once a week, trying to stay on top of my emotions (which is hard, but I am getting better at it), and numerous other things. Bibles in Schools is starting back in a couple of weeks so things will get even busier!
  I have found an accountability partner, though, which is great. Her name is Mum, and she is my mother. Some people probably wouldn't want to have one of their parents as their accountability partner, but I guess I am not like most people. I know that Mum is the one (apart from Dad) who cares the most about me and who has the highest expectations of me. She believes that I have a purpose in life, and she does not want me to be any less than the person God has created me to be. And that is what I need (among other things) from my accountability partner.
  Keeping on top of my emotions. That has been made easier by spending alone time with God each day. Not easier, I mean, but has made it... better. Life is not easy with God, but I have Him to help me which makes the burden of my emotions lighter.
  Over about the last month (or half a month) I have been learning the importance of praying. Not just for in general things, but for specific things I want and expect to see happen. So I have been setting aside a few minutes in the morning, middle of the day, and at night each day to pray about things. Some of things I pray for are these: evolution to stop being taught as fact in schools in my town (ad throughout NZ), the child abandonment statistics in Russia to drop significantly, for my future husband (if he exists, which I am still not sure about), my unsaved friends to hear and fully understand the Gospel message and God to draw them into Himself, etc. Some of those things may seem random or unlikely to happen, but I want to see my world and community change for the better, and I am prepared to pray for those things and see them happen.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Church Camp in Kaiteriteri

  We just got back from a church camp in Kaiteriteri (which is a beach town about two and a half (I think) hours away from us. A good drive, anyway.) yesterday. It was a great time over the long weekend (Monday was Waitangi Day.)
  On Friday most people arrived and set up their tents. The rest of the day was spent hanging around. On Saturday the day was spent hanging around, going to the beach, greeting others who had just arrived, and then in the evening there was an outdoor showing of the movie :Facing the Giants. The awesome thing was that just after the movie equipment had been packed away after it was shown, the rain fell down. So everything was all safe by the time it rained.
  Sunday was a rainy day. Some went to town while others hung around the campground. In the afternoon there was a sand sculpture building competition with a Bible theme. Me, Mum, and Sarah made John the Baptists head on a plate, and a cross near that, with the words "For this reason I die" written in white shells above the two sand sculptures. Other castles or sculptures included: Jonah in the whale (with a guy playing Jonah and sand sculpted into a whale form around him), Joshua and the city of Jericho, the mans house who was built on the sand, a behemoth, the fishermen and boat with the net that caught all the fish when they put it on the side where Jesus said to fish, Noah ark, a mini Noah's ark on top of the mountain where it landed, and a couple of other things.
  Then on Monday in the morning it was a bit rainy and everyone rushed to pack up their tents and get on the road home. It was a good time the church camp. :)